Bill Luallen

Bill Luallen is the Director of Technical Services for XL North, a division of Textile Rubber and Chemical Company. He is the current IICRC CCMT TAC Chair and also the former Vice Chair of the RFMT. He participates on many panels and boards including the CRI 204/205 Carpet Maintenance and Cleaning Standards. When Bill is not traveling to work with customers or talking on the phone, he spends all his down time with his wife Cynthia of 30 years, outside enjoying this beautiful world.


This won’t come clean. Or is it clean? Look closely at the trafficked areas.

This is an example of extreme pile distortion. This is multilevel tufted carpet tile. The higher tuffs became susceptible to distortion from foot traffic and rolling loads as they weren’t supported by the lower tuffs. As you look closely you can see that the carpet didn’t change colors, but rather the lower tuffs became more visible.

Unfortunately, there is no solution.